Friday, December 30, 2011

Welcome to My Writing

I'm sure by now many of you have read my novel.  Oh wait, right.  I haven't published it yet! Okay, so I am still working on the novel. I'll let you know when it's anywhere near completion.

Well, the first thing you need to know is that I like unicorns. I'm crazy about them. You know, not crazy as in mentally unstable, but as in I like them a lot. The second thing to know is that purple's my favorite color. Why? Because it's so magical. It's one of the first colors you see in the sky when the sun's coming up.

I like to read books, and eventually I'm going to write a book worth reading. I won't publish it otherwise.

I like to look at the stars at night. I like magic and I like small cute animals. Only good magic, mind you. The kind that Jesus did.  The kind that Moses and Elijah did.  I guess the Catholic church calls it miracles. I'm not Catholic, but I like you, Catholics!

I like friends, and I hope many of you will be my friend.

Until we meet again, lots of sparkle!

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